Mass Times
Masses are in English unless otherwise stated.
​MONDAY - SATURDAY: 7am in the Chapel
FRIDAY: 7pm in the Church
SATURDAY: Sunset Mass at 5pm
SUNDAY: 8am (Mandarin), 10am, 12pm
PUBLIC HOLIDAY: 8am in the Chapel
2ND SUNDAY OF THE MONTH: 3pm Vietnamese Mass in the Church
Confession is available 15 minutes before weekend Masses.
Wedding arrangements must be made with the Parish Office at least one (1) year before the date of wedding. Couples are to attend the either the Engaged Encounter or Marriage Preparation Courses. Download Wedding Booking Form. Preferably the wedding couple to contact the Parish Office directly.
Note: To get married in a Catholic Church, at least one party must be a baptized Catholic.
Infant Baptism
1st Sunday of Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep & Nov at 2pm. Download Infant Baptism Application Form
Adult Baptism / RCIA
RCIA provides faith formation for adults and assists those who are called to conversion and to become a Catholic. Sessions are conducted every Monday 7.30pm to 9.30pm. New Journey usually begin in July of each year.
Please fill up the online Registration Form: TBA
If you need further information, please email to sacredheartchurch@catholic.org.sg
Classes are conducted every Sunday 9.00am to 10.00am for L1 to L6; 10am to 11.30am for L7 to L9. Download Catechism Registration Form
Please refer to the Archdiocese of Singapore's Funeral Policy and Funeral Arrangement Flow Chart. For information, please contact the Parish Office.
To apply for a niche, please contact the Parish Office. Download Niche Application Form or Niche Update Form
Please call the Parish Office at 67379285 for more information, or email to: sacredheartchurch@catholic.org.sg
Hospital Ministry
Parishioners who are hospitalized or confined at home because of a serious illness or of advanced age may contact the Parish Office to make arrangement for a priest to administer an anointing of the Sick, Communion and Confession in the Hospital or at their home. However, for individuals who have a scheduled date for a surgery, hospitalization, etc, we encourage you to make an appointment to come to the Parish to receive the Sacrament before the procedure.
Sacramental Record Request
To request for your latest baptismal extract, please contact the Parish Office.
Please provide your full name, date of birth & date of baptism. Extract to be collected from Parish Office personally or family members.
Did you know?
Visitors to our church are usually surprised that the interior moldings are identical to those at the exterior, making the building appear ‘inside out’. The church was designed by Father Louis Lambert, who had studied architecture in France. Unfortunately he was unable to supervise its construction. Church funds were also insufficient to meet the original architecture elements; and consequently many details of the drawings were altered, which may explain why the external and internal moldings are the same.