RCIA provides faith formation for adults and assists those who are called to conversion and to become a Catholic. Sessions are conducted every Monday 7.30pm to 9.30pm. For more information, please email rcia@churchofthesacredheart.sg.
Classes are conducted every Sunday 10am to 11.30am. For more information, please email catechism@churchofthesacredheart.sg. or Download registration form
Lectors and Animators
For more information, please contact Elisa Montano at lectors@churchofthesacredheart.sg
For more information, please approach the Wardens on duty at Mass or email to hospitality@churchofthesacredheart.sg.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
For more information, please contact Shawn Boo at Sheart@ssvpsingapore.org
For more information, please contact Randolph Khoo at choir@churchofthesacredheart.sg
Altar Servers
For more information, please contact John Yip or email to altarservers@churchofthesacredheart.sg
Extraordinary Minister of Most Holy Communion
For more information, please email ecm@churchofthesacredheart.sg
Chinese Ministry
For more information, please contact Antony Tee at chinese@churchofthesacredheart.sg
Did you know?
By the turn of the 19th century, the number of Catholics in Singapore was rising. Many Chinese Catholics from all over the island attended the Church of Sts Peter and Paul. At that time, it was the only church that served the Chinese population. Father Vincent Gazeau, who was in-charge of the Cantonese and Hakka-speaking Catholics, felt that it would be necessary to build a church that would cater for these two groups, allowing the Teochew and Hokkien-speaking Catholics to remain at Sts Peter and Paul Church. So in 1908, Father Gazeau started a building fund for this church. It was said that only after a novena to the Sacred Heart was made that the site of an old abandoned soya sauce factory, located behind Fort Canning Hill, was made available for the church.